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IMG_9897 -grasshut.JPG - Worn baskets were not thrown away, they were mended by skilled hands to provide more years of use. This woman sits in front of her brush house--not unlike houses built by the Hohokam, next to a wattle and daub structure

Worn baskets were not thrown away, they were mended by skilled hands to provide more years of use. This woman sits in front of her brush house--not unlike houses built by the Hohokam, next to a wattle and daub structure
IMG_9903IMG_9902IMG_9897-HohokamArtifactsIMG_9897 - potteryIMG_9897 - WakIMG_9897 -grasshutIMG_9897-hutIMG_9907IMG_9543IMG_9544 
Total images: 35 | Last update: 6/11/08 6:00 AM | More about San Xavier | Help